Introducing the Goliath V2 by Youde. This is their latest Sub Ohm tank but it is also an RTA (Re-buildable Tank Atomizer) due to the re-buildable deck included with the package.youde goliath v2 review

As well as the pre made coils this tank allows for single coil and dual coil builds and features a large amount of airflow for vapour production.

Goliath V2 specifications

  • 22mm diameter.
  • 5ml capacity.
  • Adjustable system for juice flow. Easily change coil by closing the juice flow.
  • Deck can be removed and worked on without draining the tank.
  • Two 3.6mm air holes in the chamber.
  • 7.1mm diameter chimney with spiral slot on the inside to ensure better and smoother vapour flow.
  • Supports single or dual coil set up. Stainless steel and glass construction.
  • 49mm in height.
  • Unique ceramic ROCC head.
  • Adjustable airflow.

Box Contents

  • 1x Goliath V2.
  • Three sets of coloured O-rings.
  • 2x 0.5 Ohm ROCC coil heads.
  • Additional spare O-rings.
  • Spare screws.
  • Spare glass tank.
  • Assembly instruction leaflet.
  • RBA Deck.
  • Baffle plate plug to allow for single coil set up.

Goliath V2 Design

Aesthetically the Goliath V2 is quite streamlined but I wouldn’t say I find it a very appealing tank. I honestly think the Goliath V1 looks a lot better but that is entirely subjective.

Build quality is decent on the whole but some of the threading seems a bit stiff, especially the chimney section.

The O-rings are very strong but in the case of this tank I think Youde might have overdone it because as a consequence the airflow adjustment and juice flow control ring feel a bit awkward to adjust.Youde Goliath V2 Parts

The drip tip has that rifling style cut into it designed to increase vapour and apparently flavour just like with the Godzilla V2 RDA and the Zephyrus but in the case of the Goliath V2 it has also been applied to the chimney. The drip tip is wobble free and fits securely.

The deck itself is very reminiscent of other Youde products such as the Goblin and the Zephyrus. The deck has too large airflow holes and four juice channels. The post holes are large enough for most typical builds. The Philips screws were without issue.

The Goliath V2 has too very large airflow slots than can be adjusted depending on how airy a draw you prefer. The Goliath V2 also features a juice flow adjustment ring and it has an engraved lifeline motif on it that gives you an indication of how open you have it.

You do need to keep in mind that when refilling you must fully close down the juice flow or this tank will leak heavily.

What I really don’t like about this tank is the way it fits together. Rather than provide our readers with a very complicated description concerning how this tank breaks down I will just say that it isn’t initially very user friendly. Unscrewing one section tends to have the knock on effect of unscrewing a part that you didn’t want unscrewing.You Goliath Branding

Essentially you have to learn which sections you can adjust without causing yourself problems.

In some respects that makes this RTA feel a bit over engineered to me but don’t worry the amount of parts is extremely modest compared to something like a Kayfun V4 but I just can’t shake the feeling that Youde made this tank a little more complicated than it needed to be.

Ease of build

In terms of fitting the pre-made coils you are not going to run into issues as long as you remember to prime them properly and allow a sufficient amount of time for the wick to saturate with juice.Youde Goliath V2 Coil

When it comes to using this tank as a true rebuildable how difficult you find it will depend on your skill level. I would say if you are only going to attempt a single coil then it is quite straightforward.

A dual coil build will be trickier if you are new to re buildables. If you can build a Goblin, a Zephyrus or a Billow V2 then you will be fine with the Goliath V2.

How does The Goliath V2 Perform?

I first tried the pre-made coil which looks very similar to the one from the Youde Zephyrus. I’m not sure if they are exactly the same but in terms of the vape quality I found it extremely similar. I had filled the tank with Twelve Monkeys Tropika and to be honest I felt like I’d wasted some of my best e liquid in the tank.

Flavour just seems muted to me or perhaps it’s better to say it was overly blended to the point where no particular flavour is especially definable.

Taste varies a lot between people and I know some people who get superb flavour from the Zephyrus coils so will more than likely enjoy the Goliath V2 ones just as much.

Personally I can only rate them against other pre-made coils I have tried in tanks and I honestly think the Vision MK, Sense Herakles and the Freemax Starre / Starre Pro ones are far better and a lot more flavoursome.Goliath-V2 by Youde RBA Deck and Coil

The Goliath V2 does allow you to put a single coil build in it. This is achieved with a plug that you can place in the opposite deck air hole. I put a single coil in the tank using 26 AWG Kanthal, the final resistance was 0.8 Ohm. I wicked with cotton bacon and once again I used Powwow sauce.

The one real advantage was that I could take out the deck and put a new build on it without draining the tank which is a feature I do like in an RTA.

When it came to vaping this I have to say that the flavour wasn’t great and I found I had to close down the airflow a lot to get decent taste from my juice. I would say it was a worse experience than the pre-made coils.

There are of course factors that could explain that, perhaps I chose the wrong resistance for the coil, maybe I used too much wick. Perhaps my coil needed a larger internal diameter or it could just be that there is far too much airflow for a single coil and as a result flavour is very washed out.

I would have ideally liked to keep experimenting but I only have so much time to devote to these items before a review is due. It might be quite possible to get a decent single coil build in there that gives better results but it might take a little bit of playing around.

I then tried a dual coil build using 26 AWG Kanthal. The final resistance of this build was 0.5 Ohm. I once again wicked with cotton bacon but this time after first washing the tank out I filled up with South Coast Vapes Callicustard.

I have to say that with a dual coil the Goliath V2 is certainly more flavoursome like you’d expect. I still don’t think it is on par with the EHPro Billow V2 that in general I still find far more flavoursome than this tank. I would say with a dual coil flavour is above average but by the same token it had no real “wow” factor to it.Goliath RBA Deck

At the end of the day how good a vape you get with this tank will depend on your build, your juice and your taste buds. You may even get great flavour from the pre made coils, I certainly don’t but I appreciate the fact we all have varied taste buds.

The tank does put out quite a lot of vapour and the airflow on its most open setting is very large. The way the drip tip and the chimney has that rifling effect really does help to make the vapour spiral around but I had read it was also designed to improve flavour and I don’t find that the case here.

Is it worth it?

Considering the price I don’t personally think the Goliath V2 is worth it in terms of the vape quality it offers but that’s entirely my opinion. Someone else may love this tank and find it highly flavoursome.

To me it just seems rather lackluster with the pre made coils and disappointing with a single coil. If you don’t mind doing dual coil builds then this tank definitely improves a lot.

On the positive side of things you do get plenty of extras for your money so if it turns out you do really get on with this tank then it might be a very worthwhile purchase.

Final Review Verdict

There will some people will completely love this tank and there are others like myself that find it very average.

I can’t actually fault the construction of the overall package though I do find the tank a little over engineered and found myself faffing with it a lot more than others I have used.

It is nice that the tank can be set up for single or dual coil to offer more flexibility but when using a single coil the vape wasn’t anything particularly special and to get half decent flavour with this one I feel that you really need to dual coil it.

In all honesty if you want a ver good sub ohm stock coil tank then I would personally suggest you skip this one and go buy one of these instead because the vape it offers is miles better than this one.

I think that this tank is very subjective and I would recommend you read/watch a lot of reviews to find out if it’s right for you. If you enjoyed the Zephyrus or the Goliath V1 then you might be very satisfied with this one but personally I just find it a well-made but very average RTA.

The Good

  • Quite well made on the whole.
  • Good flexibility. Single coil, dual coil or pre made coil.
  • Has juice flow adjustment to help with high VG liquids.
  • Very large airflow slots.
  • Good vapour production.
  • Deck can be worked on without draining the tank.
  • Lots of spares.

The Not So Good

  • Not that cheap.
  • Somewhat guilty of having too many parts.
  • Getting used to how the tank fits together takes a little time.
  • Single coil build didn’t seem especially good.
  • Pre-made coils aren’t that flavoursome a vape.
  • Need to dual coil for best results.
Jamie Campbell

I have been vaping for four years now. I was a 20 a day smoker and a friend of mine encouraged me to give vaping a try. He gifted me with a ego/ce4 set up and some juice and to be fair I found it reasonable but not ideal so I was still also smoking. I went to my local B&M and got some good advice regarding what vaping gear would suit me, as well as finding some juice more to my liking. For a couple of months I used a Vamo V5 but I kept seeing these shiny tube mods and I wondered what they were. After some investigation I discovered they were called mechanical mods and I had to buy my own. From that point I was completely off the cigarettes and quite satisfied with my set up. I eventually moved on the rebuildable devices with my first RDA and RTA. I love vaping and I have no plans to ever stop because there are so many new flavours to discover and a vast amount of different devices with newer technologies to try. While I still own a couple of mechanical mods my preference these days is VW box mods and I really do enjoy a vape with temperature control. I also make my own e-juice as time allows.

Build Quality
Chances of Buying a Replacement if Lost
I have been vaping for four years now. I was a 20 a day smoker and a friend of mine encouraged me to give vaping a try. He gifted me with a ego/ce4 set up and some juice and to be fair I found it reasonable but not ideal so I was still also smoking. I went to my local B&M and got some good advice regarding what vaping gear would suit me, as well as finding some juice more to my liking. For a couple of months I used a Vamo V5 but I kept seeing these shiny tube mods and I wondered what they were. After some investigation I discovered they were called mechanical mods and I had to buy my own. From that point I was completely off the cigarettes and quite satisfied with my set up. I eventually moved on the rebuildable devices with my first RDA and RTA. I love vaping and I have no plans to ever stop because there are so many new flavours to discover and a vast amount of different devices with newer technologies to try. While I still own a couple of mechanical mods my preference these days is VW box mods and I really do enjoy a vape with temperature control. I also make my own e-juice as time allows.
youde-goliath-v2-reviewI was looking forward to reviewing the Goliath V2 but it did turn out (for me) to be somewhat of a disappointment. Flavour not great and a touch over engineered for my liking.


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