Introducing this highly unusual looking RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) from Chinese manufacturer Wotofo. The Atty Cubed or Atty 3 as it is also known, is a fully authentic dual coil only RDA that is quite radical to many that you have seen before. As to whether this new cuboid design has any real benefits we shall see.Wotofo Atty Cubed review

The Atty Cubed features:

  • Authentic RDA designed and manufactured by Wotofo.
  • PEEK insulator.
  • 22mm diameter.
  • 304 Stainless Steel construction.
  • Massive step down style airflow control.
  • Four post design.
  • Available in stainless steel or black finishes.
  • Deep juice well.

The Atty Cubed box includes:

  • 1x Atty Cubed RDA.
  • 1x large wide bore/chuff cap style delrin drip tip.
  • 1x standard delrin drip tip.
  • 1x 510 drip tip adapter.
  • Spare O-rings.
  • Spare screws.
  • 1x blue screwdriver.
  • 1x very basic user info card showing how the RDA breaks down.

Wotofo Atty3 boxThe box itself is rather unique being a perfect cube reinforcing the theme of this RDA. Everything is held firmly in a foam inlay and the extras can be found underneath.

It is nice that Wotofo have finally started including drip tips with their RDA’s and with this one you get a chuff cap as well as a standard tip.

I did notice there was a faint smell of machine oil with this RDA so I gave it a thorough wash.

The Atty Cubed Is Certainly Odd But On The Whole Very Well Made:

In terms of this RDA’s actually machining it is very solid. It actually weighs a fair bit too. I like the fact that it is a four post design which makes it very convenient to build.wotofo-atty3-rda

The screws however aren’t as good as the ones that come with the Freakshow and Freakshow Mini. This time they are actually Philips screws and while that might suit a lot of people I think the hex screws are actually a lot better. The screws are a little sharp so I ended up cutting the wire with my first build.

This RDA is a little unusual in how everything fits together. You’d expect both the drip tips and the 510 drip tip adapter to be press fit but you actually have to screw them in by hand. It’s not a problem though and the actually threading is rather good.

The post holes are suitably large allowing for a good variety of builds and there is a fair amount of room in there. The well is very large so will hold a good amount of juice.RDA Deck Wotofo Atty Cubed

What I do think is something of a error on Wotofo’s part is making this a dual coil only RDA. So if you are a single coil only RDA fan then I advise you right now to look elsewhere.

One rather neat feature of this RDA is that it is designed to compliment your box mods. After fully screwing on the RDA you can rotate the top cap to align perfectly with your mod. Of course this is only ever going to look right with box mods and is highly unsuitable for anything else.

When I first saw the new box shaped RDA’s that were being released I suspected that they were purely aesthetic and offered nothing truly innovative. The Atty Cubed confirms that suspicion since the actual deck is the traditional rounded 22mm you would expect and the top cap is merely a cube shaped housing.Base-of-the-Atty-cubed-RDA

This RDA is slightly different in terms of its airflow and incorporates two very wide stepped air slots on opposite sides. By rotating the drip tip itself you can open the upper or lower air slot as well as open up both for truly massive airflow. When using the standard drip tip I did find I had to hold the main top cap or the whole RDA will spin around.

So How Does The Atty Cubed Vape?

I built this RDA with 26 AWG (0.4mm) Kanthal wire which had a final resistance of 0.8 ohm. Like always I wicked the coil with Japanese cotton. I decided to use Vampire Vape’s Heisenberg as my juice of choice.Atty-3-parts

The vape itself was something of a let down. The Atty Cubed puts out a great deal of vapour but the flavour is a real disappointment. Now typically with massive air flow you would expect that but it was far too muted a vape for me.

Closing down the airflow obviously helps as does using the standard drip tip but at no time did I ever feel that the flavour was that good. It was merely average, probably a little poorer and considering Heisenberg is quite a potent flavour the Atty Cubed didn’t really impress.

It’s a real shame that this didn’t feature the airflow option for a single coil because then it may have been much better in terms of flavour but as it stands I find it very lackluster.Top of Atty3 RDA

I tried again at much higher wattage and the flavour is improved somewhat as is the vapour production like you’d expect but this RDA is certainly not one I would choose to use. For someone who just wants to throw out huge clouds then it might be reasonable enough, but when it comes to RDA’s I expect a little more from them than being good at one specific role.

Is The Atty Cubed Worth It?

It depends what you want from a RDA. If you want a cloud making RDA that isn’t particularly good at flavour but is very well made then this might suit you. I personally wouldn’t choose to buy it but that’s my personal choice.

The Atty Cubed is priced fairly reasonably at £22.99 but personally I think you’d be much better off buying the Freakshow or the excellent Freakshow Mini that offer far more to a user than this.

Final Review Verdict

In many ways this RDA is also something of a gimmick. The cube shaped design offers nothing new in terms of innovation and to be quite honest I don’t think it looks that aesthetically pleasing on my box mods either, give me the standard rounded 22mm dripper any day of the week.

The thing is people like to be different so this may appeal to some even if it will never appeal to me and it might be kind of quirky and fun to own one of these if you happen to find it pleasing to the eye.

This RDA’s strongest features is it’s build quality and the large cloud production beyond that I can find nothing to really recommend about it beyond the fact it is cube shaped and very different.

After the superb Mini Freakshow from Wotofo this one feels like something of a let down.

The Good

  • Is cube shaped and can match up with your box mods.
  • Excellent machining.
  • Comes with two drip tips and a 510 adapter. Good spares.
  • Produces a lot of vapour.
  • Deep juice well.

The Not So Good

  • Screws are a little bit too sharp.
  • Dual coil only.
  • Weak flavour but is somewhat improved at high wattage.
  • Something of a gimmick.
Jamie Campbell

I have been vaping for four years now. I was a 20 a day smoker and a friend of mine encouraged me to give vaping a try. He gifted me with a ego/ce4 set up and some juice and to be fair I found it reasonable but not ideal so I was still also smoking. I went to my local B&M and got some good advice regarding what vaping gear would suit me, as well as finding some juice more to my liking. For a couple of months I used a Vamo V5 but I kept seeing these shiny tube mods and I wondered what they were. After some investigation I discovered they were called mechanical mods and I had to buy my own. From that point I was completely off the cigarettes and quite satisfied with my set up. I eventually moved on the rebuildable devices with my first RDA and RTA. I love vaping and I have no plans to ever stop because there are so many new flavours to discover and a vast amount of different devices with newer technologies to try. While I still own a couple of mechanical mods my preference these days is VW box mods and I really do enjoy a vape with temperature control. I also make my own e-juice as time allows.

Build Quality
Chances of Buying a Replacement if Lost
I have been vaping for four years now. I was a 20 a day smoker and a friend of mine encouraged me to give vaping a try. He gifted me with a ego/ce4 set up and some juice and to be fair I found it reasonable but not ideal so I was still also smoking. I went to my local B&M and got some good advice regarding what vaping gear would suit me, as well as finding some juice more to my liking. For a couple of months I used a Vamo V5 but I kept seeing these shiny tube mods and I wondered what they were. After some investigation I discovered they were called mechanical mods and I had to buy my own. From that point I was completely off the cigarettes and quite satisfied with my set up. I eventually moved on the rebuildable devices with my first RDA and RTA. I love vaping and I have no plans to ever stop because there are so many new flavours to discover and a vast amount of different devices with newer technologies to try. While I still own a couple of mechanical mods my preference these days is VW box mods and I really do enjoy a vape with temperature control. I also make my own e-juice as time allows.
wotofo-atty-cubed-rda-reviewWhile the Atty Cubed is a well made RDA with decent performance Wotofo have, in my opinion, released far better RDA's.


  1. This atty really only performs well with low ohm builds, particularly .4 and below. Anything above and flavor is muted dramatically as your experience apparently let you know. I have mine with a build of .2 and flavor and vapor production is awesome. I suggest trying a lower build to get max flavor out of this atty.


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