There’s lots of ways to take your daily dose of CBD and as you’ll see the Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies are among the tastiest I’ve personally tried.
Yeah, I’ve let the cat out of the bag early in this CBD review lol.
But in all honesty, I am super-stoked [getting into character right there dude] at introducing you to this amazingly flavoursome range of CBD goodness!
OK, before this turns into a gush-fest…
The Sunday Scaries team hail from sunny San Diego USA.
Co-founders Mike and Beau were former ‘stressed out‘ bar owners and turned to CBD to help them decompress.
CBD worked so well for them, Sunday Scaries was formed with a huge dose of charitable work too, as I’ll explain later.
Mike – Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies
The name – Sunday Scaries – is curious to say the least, and Mike explains its origins:
While the bar was in operation I simply didn’t get a ton of time to decompress in a healthy way.
The time that I did get to myself I felt extremely lonely and didn’t let myself “check out”.
My head was consumed with negative thoughts and taking a deep breath was harder than it sounded.
Second guessing myself, I Facetimed my older sister Caroline and opened up to her about my inability to stay calm.
Co founder Beau
She smiled and reassured me that I was dealing with Sunday Scaries and that she deals with them too.
She made me laugh and feel less isolated knowing that she had my back.
Sunday Scaries was a feeling I had for a long time that I couldn’t accurately describe, until then.
I absolutely love the style of the Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies brand and the website is well worth a read – these guys are contemporary and edgy to say the least…very refreshing!
OK, enough sucking up lol – on with the review.
And yeah, I received the full range of the Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies direct from the company – thanks guys – and despite absolutely loving them, had they have tasted like last week’s underpants, I would have said so…
Multi-Colored, Multi-Flavored CBD Gummy Bears with Vitamins B12 & D3.
CBD Gummies are the perfect on-the-go solution to eliminating your excessive worrying.
The remedy that makes life not so scary
Dosage: Take 2-3 CBD gummies anytime you are feeling agitated or on edge from everyday frustrations.
I Say:
I’m a sucker for Haribo sweets/candies and the Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies are the closest I’ve come to getting that exact flavour.
On whipping off the top I was hit by the distinct odour of marzipan – something I also adore – so was a little disconcerted…
I needn’t have worried, once the dusting of each perfectly formed gummie was ‘sucked off‘ [steady now] I was hit by a mouthwatering delight.
OMFG…they are fruit juice fantastic with just the right amount of sweetness with a delicious tangy twist.
So very moreish it’s untrue…
As to if they work..?
They Chilled My Ass!
I’m plagued by a very noisy neighbour [case ongoing] and when him and his mates get going the pit of my stomach tightens with stress.
I’ve been asked not to engage…lucky for them lol…
Anyway, I chewed on 3 of the Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies and found my ass [and stomach] well and truly chilled…
VERY and I mean VERY tasty and do the job they’re designed for…for me anyway 😉
And remember, I’m topped up to the max with all sorts of CBD – so for these little cuties to make a massive difference means they really are extremely good.
Sunday Scaries Bra Bearies – 10mg Each Sweet
Sunday Scaries Say:
Strawberry flavored CBD Gummies with Vitamin C.
Bra Bearies gummies are the perfect solution to boost your immunity while staying chill.
Note: £2 for each bottle sold is donated to The Pink Agenda to support breast cancer research.
Dosage: Take 1 – 2 strawberry flavored CBD gummies in the morning when you want to start your day with a level head.
I Say:
No smell of marzipan this time, however I am getting a lovely hit of strawberry that has a yogurt hint about it.
Once again they taste exactly like those little bears inside the packs of Haribo and look like them too.
You’re getting a rich hit of strawberry again with an extremely pleasant and moreish tang – bloody lovely stuff.
And I love the fact £2 from every jar is donated to a Breast Cancer Charity – it’s one that’s very close to my heart.
What else can I say – absolutely delicious and then some…my 2 jars have long emptied!
Sunday Scaries Vegan AF CBD Gummies – 10mg Each Sweet
Vegan CBD Gummies are the perfect on-the-go solution to decompress responsibly while loving animals.
Dosage: Take 2-3 Vegan CBD Gummies anytime you are feeling agitated or on edge from everyday frustrations.
I Say:
I’m an animal lover however, I do love my meat…so I’m a bit of a contradiction.
I did go vegetarian in the early eighties for a while – in truth it was to try my luck with a gorgeous Greenham Common type hippy chick…I failed miserably…
If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, or just concerned about what you put inside your body [as the hippy chick I fancied obviously was…ahem…] then this jar of Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies are right up your alley…
I suppose you wanna know how they taste after all my witterings…
They smell like cannabis and the initial taste is of those botanicals I bloody love.
But that passes as soon as your tongue gets to work [steady now] and a real citrus zesty tanginess takes over.
CBD Candy is the perfect bite sized solution to feeling down and getting out of your own head.
Note: £1 for each pouch sold is donated to the LGBTQ Suicide Hotline – The Trevor Project.
Dosage: Take 1-2 rainbow CBD candy in the morning or mid-day when you want to chill out and smile.
I Say:
Yeah, like some of you out there I was a little taken aback by the packaging – very cartoony and child appealing.
I gave myself a very rigorous head wobble after reading a little more into just why they are packaged the way they are.
To say I was humbled is an understatement.
The Sunday Scaries Unicorn Jerky candy strips were created in honour of Julia.
She’s the little sister of Sunday Scaries co-founder Mike Sill, and who sadly passed away by suicide 10 years ago.
The team say:
Julia was an enthusiastic, theatrical, empathetic and loving girl who we miss dearly.
In her memory we choose a new tradition of smiling, laughing and doing something extraordinary.
That’s why we are donating £1 from every purchase of our silly, yet delicious Unicorn Jerky to The Trevor Project.
Help us make a difference.
As I said, humbling stuff…
OK, back to the review, and again I’m getting a real whiff of those cannabis plant botanics and once again, that particular flavour lasts for a couple of seconds on the tongue.
Bite down and yeah baby – that bloody ‘terrific tanginess is back!
Oh my, these are bloody delicious and a pleasure to bite down on…that’s what she said…
Final Review Verdict
From the very chill and hip website [is that even a thing] – the complete product presentation – social messaging and charitable work, the Sunday Scaries team are among the coolest CBD sellers on the planet.
It’s not just clever and cool marketing either – for once the products actually match and dare I say even surpass that edgy trendiness.
The Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies are, in a word, heavenly!
Highly and I mean HIGHLY recommended…
And yeah as the team says they really are:
…a party in your mouth without the 420 feels.
Indeed 😉
There’s also a bottle of Sunday Scaries CBD oil – and the review for that will be up very soon.