how to quit smoking vape news

How To Quit Smoking – UK Smokers Ready To Stop!

How to quit smoking and how to stop smoking queries are surging in the Google search engine as UK smokers look to stop smoking.

It was feared the COVID-19 lock down and the shuttering of vape shops may have led to more UK smokers – but that appears to be the complete opposite.

how to stop smoking how to quit smoking

A new survey from the Vape Club shows Google searches for ‘how to quit smoking‘ has TRIPLED.

The search engine figures don’t lie – previous months shows the search term hit 37,200 on average, however since the end of April the figure has surged meaning an estimated 100,440 smokers are desperate to quit!

The results show another phrase ‘how to stop smoking‘ has also shown a huge rise in numbers and this has to be seen as great news.

Vape Club’s Dan Marchant said:

The volume of people turning to Google searches for advice suggests that greater support and clearer information should be made available.

I’d like to see stop smoking services reaching out to the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach in society, as there’s clearly a desire to quit with the right support.

With vaping being the most effective form of smoking cessation, it’s important that it is presented as an effective quitting tool.

Vaping is indeed the best and some might say easiest way to quit smoking – so if you’re one of the many thousands wondering how to quit smoking and ready to make the switch to vaping we have plenty of guides to help.

Here’s just a few:

There are many many more articles and guides on how to quit smoking and there’s always someone around to answer your questions.

Good luck – you’ve got this!

World No Tobacco Day 2020

Yesterday was World Vape Day and saw hundreds of thousands of vapers hitting social media to promote vaping with the hashtags #WorldVapeDay and #SayYesToTHR.

Today is World No Tobacco Day and sadly the World Health Organization has decided to use it for an all out attack on e-cigarettes.

world no tobacco day
WHO using kids to slam e-cigarettes!

Yeah, I know, crazy to think a product 95% safer than smoking is treated this way by the so called guardians of global health.

I could get into the reasons why the WHO is so anti-vaping – suffice it to say it would take an age and of course it’s to do with money from its billionaire sponsors and the threat vaping is to Big Pharma profits.

Anyway, organizers of World Vape Day want you to continue using the hashtags today to show the WHO and its silly supporters that vapers will not be silenced and will stand up and be counted.

So on World No Tobacco Day please continue to shower social media with your support for e-cigarettes and vaping and add lots of positive stories on how vaping has helped you!

world vape day social media template

You can use the template or make your own but please use the hashtags: #WorldVapeDay and #SayYesToTHR.

We can’t let the WHO ban vaping – it’s far too precious for that to happen.

Chubby Gorilla Teams Up To Produce Hand Sanitizers

Vape bottle maker Chubby Gorilla has teamed up with USA Vape Lab and have manufactured 5000 gallons of hand sanitizer for America’s first responders and hospitals.

It’s yet another brilliant move from a vape company to help with the fight back against the COVID-19 pandemic.

chubby-gorilla hand sanitizers

Chubby Gorilla, said:

As COVID-19 continues its spread across the country it is abundantly clear our country is going through unprecedented struggles and monumental uncertainty.

Our aim is to provide hope during this challenging period.

Chubby Gorilla has been serving manufactures with small easily portable bottles for years.

It just makes sense to use what we have to help those in these times of uncertainty and need.

At the end of the day we are all in this fight together.

Huy Nguyen, CEO, USA Vape Lab said:

Our country’s healthcare professionals and first responders need our help, and we in the vapor industry have the means and materials to help make a difference.

Now is a time for solidarity amongst all American businesses and the government to pull together and contribute.

We thank all healthcare professionals and first responders for their hard work, dedication, and courage.

Nice one guys!

BTW if your vape company or shop has helped in any way during the pandemic – do let me know – always on the lookout for positive stories around vaping 🙂

Do YOU Suffer From “Slime Cloak”?

The latest shock ‘research‘ into the effects of vaping on the human body has come up with an absolute cracker of a ‘diagnosis‘.

Apparently vapers are now suffering from the ridiculously named and scary to the outsider -‘slime cloak‘ – yeah I know absolute madness lol.

DIY E-Liquid Maker

Oh for f***s sake here we go again!!!

When I first read this I spat my coffee everywhere which indeed gave a bit of a ‘slime cloak‘ to my desk…

Apparently the vapour threatens the healthy oral microbiome in your mouth meaning unhealthy microbione can get in.

And this, says researchers, creates an unpleasant slime in your mouth…

Must admit a couple of e-liquids I’ve reviewed over the years has left an unpleasant taste in my mouth…but a slime cloak???

Oh FFS come on now… WTF!!!

The study has been carried out by ‘scientists’ from Ohio State University and periodontist Purnima Kumar told news website Inverse the ‘slime’ occurs within 24 hours:

Most importantly, these changes happen within three to 12 months of vaping.

This is the fastest change [to the oral microbiome] to a human behavior that we have observed so far, [including] diet, antibiotic use, smoking, [and] hookah.

Vaping can potentially induce a whole host of different diseases than what we have been used to seeing with smoking because of the different inflammatory signals and their intensities.

It is possible that our immune system will respond to it in ways we do not know and result in diseases that we have not commonly seen in the mouth.

I call absolute BS on this one and will be filing it under “WTF are these scientists on because I want some…

So…and serious question…are YOU or your friend or family suffering or have ever suffered from vaping slime cloak?

Please let me know in the comments below…


Florida Flavour Ban – Urgent Call To Action

Vapers and advocates are urgently needed to stave off the proposed flavour ban in Florida.

The Florida Smoke-Free Association is leading the fight and says a simple re-tweet of its fight-back video could help.

The advocacy group is also asking vapers to contact Governor Ron Desantis and explain why you oppose the ban.

You can also take part in the vaping virtual rally by taking a selfie – like the ones below – post them to and share them on all social media.

stop florida flavour ban

Full details of how to get involved are on the website I’ve linked to above.

NNA Webinar With Clive Bates

The New Nicotine Alliance is hosting an extremely interesting webinar with prolific and extremely knowledgeable vape advocate Clive Bates.

It’s free and will be held online on Thursday June 4th between 6pm and 7pm BST.

clive bates nna webinar tpd3

The topic is one all vapers should be interested in and is titled: ‘TPD Review: Opportunity or catastrophe?

As the EU gears up for TPD3 – this is a topic we should all be looking at VERY closely.

Numbers are limited so you’ll need to get in quick to book a place on the Zoom webinar!

and finally…Judge Tells Flavour Boss the Name “Suits You Sir!”

DIY e-liquid company Flavour Boss has just won a lengthy court battle against men’s chic designer label Hugo Boss…yes really lol…

As a well dressed kind of guy – what ya laughing for??? – I’ve always fancied a smart Boss designer suit – how much??!!


The closest I’ve ever came was a tie bought by an ex – given I don’t wear ties I should have known then I was gonna be dumped…

Anyway…I digress.

It seems huffy Hugo and his team of touchy tailors deemed they, and they alone, owned the name ‘Boss’ and really didn’t like the cut of Flavour Boss’s cloth so to speak…

boss flavour boss court case

Following a cease and desist order from the sanctimonious suit maker, the matter went to court costing Flavour Boss thousands of pounds.

Thankfully the UK company won and Rob Hackin CEO said:

It’s been a long and treacherous battle, but we are delighted to announce that we have received confirmation that EUIPO’s Second Board of Appeal has rejected both of Hugo Boss’ appeals in EU opposition proceedings.

We were only in our infancy back then, but we had put our heart and soul into building the company and knew we had to fight it.

It was a case of bully boy tactics from a multi-billion pound company attacking small independent businesses.

For anyone who has found themselves in the same situation as Flavour Boss, my advice is to fight your case and show these companies that they do not hold all the power.

It’ll be a long fight, but it’s your livelihood at stake.

A definite case of if the law suit fits 😉

Thanks to Dave Cross over at POTV for finding this little gem!


More Vape News on Wednesday

And remember if you – your vape shop or company has any vaping news do let me know!

Contact me: neilh ‘at’


neil Humber 2
Neil Humber

I have simpler vape tastes these days - I never leave home without a Caliburn G, a Vaporesso Luxe 40 or Innokin EQ FLTR and a CBD vape pen or bottle of CBD drops in my rucksack...or indeed an Aspire Nautilus Prime X in my pocket... At home I'll be using various mods topped with the GeekVape Zeus X RTA or the Signature Mods Mono SQ topped with the Augvape BTFC RDA... I'm a former journalist and now a writer and sometimes author... I'm ex Army - adore dogs and never happier than hiking over the hills or with a good book on a beach.

I have simpler vape tastes these days - I never leave home without a Caliburn G, a Vaporesso Luxe 40 or Innokin EQ FLTR and a CBD vape pen or bottle of CBD drops in my rucksack...or indeed an Aspire Nautilus Prime X in my pocket... At home I'll be using various mods topped with the GeekVape Zeus X RTA or the Signature Mods Mono SQ topped with the Augvape BTFC RDA... I'm a former journalist and now a writer and sometimes author... I'm ex Army - adore dogs and never happier than hiking over the hills or with a good book on a beach.


  1. ‘slime cloak’ WTF B***s**t is this , my toungue and mouth has never been so healthy, and my breath does not smell, since I stopped smoking. Hell what ever next, to make me split my sides choking [LOL ‘cloaking’] crap.

  2. What next, vaping causing eye gunk, usually appears in the morning when you’ve woken up, caused by eliquid vapours. Honestly baffles me the length people will go to just to pander.


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