When I was contacted by our fearless leader Jonny and asked to choose 5 flavours from the Hot Juice e-liquid range to review I hurried to their website and knew I was in for a good time when the first flavour that caught my eye was ‘Bacon Bits’….Oh yeah this is gonna be a good one!
Hot Juice began its journey back in in 2006 when CEO Jon Deak brought the first e-cigarettes to the USA. With investments from individuals in the film and video game industry Jon Deak spread his love of all things e-cig far and wide.
Cut to the present and the Hot Juice e-liquid brand is headed up as “America’s favourite vape juice”. Although I can’t verify this and it may just be a company slogan.
What struck me first about the Hot Juice range was the packaging. They have safely and undoubtedly taken steps to ensure that their packaging can not be deemed as child friendly. What it is however, is professional. Their are subtle indications as to whether you are looking at a fruit, desert of sweet (candy) flavour. But everything else is as adult as you can be on the clean side of an 18 certificate.
As these e-liquids are American imports, they have American nicotine levels. Starting at 0mg then 3mg, things take a sharp rise to 11mg, 18mg and settle on their strongest mix of 24mg of nicotine. Base mix ratio’s are either 70VG/30PG or 70PG/30VG.
I was sent a range of juices, 8 in all with a mixture of 30ml bottles which retail at $19.99 and 100ml retailing at a still reasonable $29.95.
Right, enough of this waffle, lets get tasting.
I received this sample free of charge for the purpose of this review and as always, my views are my own.
Please remember that tastes are subjective, and your experience may be different to mine.
For this review I used my SX-Mini G Class and the 24mm Dead Rabbit RDA with Fused Clapton coils coming in at 0.12Ohms, cleaned and re-wicked between each flavour.
Hot Juice | Fruit Punch Smash

Hot Juice Says:
“Flavour Profile unknown”
I say:
The initial smell of cherries quickly turned to citrus on this inhale. The texture of the vape started out great and the flavour was amazing. However, after a while things became a bit oily in my mouth and when looking at the contents of the bottle it appeared to have started to separate. I put this down to the cold autumn temperature here in the north of England and after bringing it back to room temperature things got back to being pleasant.
I can see Fruit Punch Smash as an easy all day vape. I picked out tropical citrus notes almost all of the way through my testing. But that first hit of cherries made me go back for more day after day.
As a fruit lover, I’m very glad I was given the chance to taste this little beauty.
Hot Juice | Country Gentleman
Hot Juice Says:
Country Gentleman is a mild flavoured, traditional tobacco flavoured blend that won’t wear a hole in your taste buds.
I say:
Not being one who goes for tobacco flavours I was a little bit hesitant at trying this. The initial smell was quite floral, which was a little strange.
The first draw was really smooth and quite savory in flavour. There was a definite tobacco taste but it in no way reminded me of puffing on a stinky.
The exhale was quite floral and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I mainly used this in the pub as I found the flavour quite relaxing and mellow.
Country Gentleman has definitely opened my eyes to trying other tobacco flavour. And for now I’m glad I’ve still got a decent amount of this one left.
Hot Juice | Blueberry Waffles

Hot Juice Says:
Blueberry Waffles is a creamy delight of fresh fruit with sweet toasty pastry taste and whipped topping flavour.
I say:
This has got to have been one of the flavours that I was most excited about trying. I’m always keen on trying new bakery flavours, but haven’t been impressed with many in the past.
The liquid itself is was reassuringly dark. Dripping it on my coils I could instantly smell the sweet waffle.
The first vape pretty much blew my mind. The balance of the blueberry and the waffle is practically perfect. There was no bitterness at all and the creamy back end made the vape very smooth indeed.
The more I vaped on this flavour, the more I grew to love it. The balance of sweetness from the waffle and the tang of the fresh blueberries has been refined to near perfection.
I simply say try it if you can get it!
Hot Juice | Crispy Churro

Hot Juice Says:
Crispy Churro is a sweet flavour of fried dough with strong notes of cinnamon and sugar in every puff.
I say:
Oh my God, this is the one!!! I’m a sucker for cinnamon and this takes me to my happy place. The sweetness of cinnamon sugar is there right from the start.
The smell is spot on and that first vape had me itching for more. The doughy-ness of the churro is just right, sitting on the back of the inhale. On the exhale you get the sweetness and warmth that come with a good and full piece of cinnamon toast.
I’m not kidding when I say I’ve tried dozens of cinnamon “pretenders” and to quote the youth….this is the OG as far as I’m concerned.
It paired perfectly with my morning coffee, day after day.
If you’re a cinnamon lover, there’s no reason to have second thoughts, just buy it.
Hot Juice | Bacon Bits

Gloop Says:
Bacon Bits has the smoky, savory flavour of everyone’s favorite breakfast taste
I say:
Ok, yes, I know most of you are rolling your eyes and bawking at the idea of vaping a bacon flavour juice (I’m looking at you, Jonny!). However, I was intrigued to find out just what this would really be like.
The initial smell is purely synthetic and as soon as I soaked my wicks and did a test first the sweet smokiness hit me square in the face.
Taste-wise the saltyness hit me first, then that punch of smoke that maybe could have been toned town slightly. I had a smile on my face as I tested out this one as there was actually a bacon taste throughout. The exhale was purely bacon.
You know when bacon has those black charred edges? Well that’s what Bacon Bits is in a bottle.
I’m honestly glad I tried it. I got away with about 10 minutes of vaping this at any one time. After that things get a little tired on the palate and the saltyness took over a bit too much
If you give it a try and let me know your thoughts.
Hot Juice | Mango Madness

Hot Juice Says:
Mango Madness has the sweet tropical flavour of freshly blended island fruit.
I say:
On first taste this was a bit harsh. But in my experience I’ve come to realise that mango juices are better if left to steep for a bit after you’ve bought them. I let this one sit for 6 weeks just to make sure and my god that was the best decision I could have made.
The mango flavour isn’t sickly sweet. More like just ripe fresh mango flesh. You know when it’s still got a bit of bite to it and hasn’t gone to mush.
On the inhale you really get the fleshy bite of the fruit with a slight sticky sweetness. On the way out is when the magic happens. All the yummy sweetness you get with fresh mango’s without the sticky hands and face.
It’s strange having a mango juice without any coolant in, but for pure refreshment this hit the spot.
Hot Juice | Grizzly Pear

Hot Juice Says:
Grizzly Pear has an intensely sweet fresh pear flavour in every puff.
I say:
Now I’ve got to admit, I wasn’t looking forward to trying this flavour. The only thing flavoured with pear (other than actual pears) is pear drops, and I can’t stand them.
The smell I got from the bottle was that of an just ripe pear that has a lot of crunch to it. The sweetness from the smell is unmistakable and just makes you want to drip it.
For me the taste is all at the front. Right from the start the pear hits your tongue with a vengeance. The exhale is very mellow and makes you want to take draw after draw.
Trying to vape this all day was a bit hard for me as the sweet clawyness of the pear saw me clambering for something more refreshing.
Hot Juice | Island Rainbow Bittles

Hot Juice Says:
Island Rainbow Bittles has the juicy flavour of your favorite tropical fruit blend of chewy candy.
I say:
Oh my God, yum yum yum! The smell is overwhelming with the citrus smells of lime and lemon.
On the inhale there’s the sweetness of the crispy skittles shells, but then the fruitiness kicks in. I mostly found that citrus came through the most, but that’s kinda what you expect when you shove a handful of skittles into your gob.
For me, the flavour weakens on the exhale and is a little dry. However, this didn’t really spoil the experience because as soon as you take another hit the citrus makes you mouth water.
A good effort here Hot Juice and I’m sad I’m nearly out of this one!
Final Verdict
I was massively impressed with all of the Hot Juice e-liquid flavours I was sent. They seem have to taken testing and refinement of their juices to the next level.
The clouds from all flavours were MASSIVE! Even more than I’ve come to expect from 70:30 VG:PG ratio liquids.
The packaging really sells this to me. They’ve clearly aimed their product at adults and with the flavours they’ve produced, you can really see that Hot Juice knows their market and what vapers want.
I’ve struggled to find Hot Juice e-liquid on sale in the UK but the prices on the US site come in at $14.99 for 30ml bottles and $24.99 for 100ml bottles, which by my maths come in at just under £20 for the 100 ml…not bad if you ask me. They do ship worldwide but as with all imports you take on the risk of duties on top.
Out of the entire range I know that I’ll be very sad to see the Blueberry Waffles drip its last drop. It was just so rounded and smooth.
If you can find the Hot Juice e-liquid range, try them. I’m keen to here what you think.
No UK shipping. Any UK stockists?
They do ship to the Uk but from what I can see currently no UK stockists.
Crispy Churro sounds perfect 😍
Bacon E-liquid though 🤢